Classical robots and automation means, as well as computer technologies have long provided a good basis for the making of numerous artificial agents.
To further explore novel domains, knowledge had to be formally defined. More generally, a novel theoretical framework for cognition, and for its automated implementation, cognitics, had to be developed.
Then a new tool and technique, an original programming language and control environment had to be invented. We have called it Piaget, in credit to the contribution of the famous psychologist Jean Piaget, and with the inspiration of his workd in constructivism.
The development of dextrous, mobile, autonomous robots in the context of Eurobot provided the initial impulse for the invention of Piaget.
Later on, Piaget was further developed in order to join the world-level, RoboCup@Home initiative.
Now it turns out that the robust implementation of powerful cognitic systems for the mentionned systems makes is possible to similarly automate complex industrial applications.